Facility Management Software

Roto-Gro’s proprietary iGrow Software allows for the automation, monitoring, and configuration of the plant cultivation process within each RotoGro Garden System. The revolution speed, light spectrum variation, and nutrient delivery timing of each Rotational Garden System (delivered through Roto-Gro’s Nutrient Management System), along with the temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels within the entire growing environment, all in real time. These features ensure that each Garden System’s environment is at its optimum environmental conditions.

Complete Facility Control

Individuals have the ability to remove themselves from the growing environment entirely throughout the cultivation cycle. The unique iGrow Software, designed to be fully customizable, manages and optimizes all growing environment variables, streamlining the complicated grow management responsibilities prone to human error.


RotoGro’s iGrow software engineers have integrated the system to include single or multi-room cultivation facilities. This feature allows for complete and independent control of variables within each growing room room, regardless of plant types or stages. The software is also fully customizable.

Advanced Robotics

Specific to the Model 710 Garden Systems, the iGrow Software controls the Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) delivery processes. Each AGV may be pre-programmed and controlled remotely by the iGrow software system, seamlessly integrating the plant cultivation process with propagation and harvesting.